The biggest challenge for those first starting out with the Japanese language is where the hell to start. After 7ish years and working with a whole load of resources, I've put together this list to help you find the best resources for you to start your Japanese learning journey.
Make sure to save this post for later as it will be updated regularly!

Disclaimer: Please bear in mind this list is based on my own experiences and opinions, and I hope to update this list over time. Some resources may fit into multiple categories but this is just how I've arranged them. Links in this post marked with an * are affiliate links/codes, meaning I make a small commission at no extra cost to you - thank you for supporting the blog!
Without further ado, let's get into the resources!
Kana (hiragana and katakana):
Japanese From Zero (book 1)*
90 Days of Japanese Language (book 1)*
Quartet (book 1)*
Japanese Vocabulary Speed Master (basic)
Shin Kanzen Master JLPT Wordbook (N3)
Kanji Master (N5)*
Learning Japanese Kanji (volume 1)*
Let's Read Japanese (level 2, volume 1)*
Shadowing (beginner to intermediate)*
Nihongo Sou Matome (N5)*
Shin Kanzen Master (N4 full set)*
Try! (N5)*
YouTube channels:
Online courses/lessons:
Attain (on Udemy)
Japanese in 12 (use the code CHLOE for 15% off*, full review)
italki (sign up and get $10 credit when you book your first lesson)*