Welcome to strawblondiestudies
I started my language learning journey at school, studying French for 5 years including GCSE. I hated it (the classes not the language!) but passed with a B grade. After that, I never thought I would learn a language ever again. Fast forward 8 months, I bought a copy of Japanese From Zero to self study. Later that year, I picked up Korean. Once college was over, I chose a degree in Japanese Studies at university. How things can change, eh? That's where my passion for languages really started.​
It was during my first year of university that I started a Tumblr blog dedicated to language learning, sharing study tips and vocabulary lists in Japanese and Korean. From there I moved into Instagram and Youtube, with the hopes of motivating and helping fellow language learners. Even my Etsy business switched from handmade stationery to language learning resources. I have since passed the JLPT N4 exam, with plans to take N3, the TOPIK and HSK exams once I graduate.
I'm now studying a degree with The Open University (International Studies) as well as self studying Japanese and Korean, and taking an evening class for Chinese. The aim of this website is to provide self studiers and language learners a place to find new tips, methods and maintain their motivation through their studies. Whether you're just starting out on your language learning journey or have a few years experience under your belt, I hope you can find what you're looking for to help you on your language learning journey!
Go forth and study, my little strawberries!